futureberry futureberry futureberry
Discover Cosmo

The future of organizations is not written. We at Futureberry exist to desire it, imagine it and collectively build it.


Our story

Since 2008, we have been following changes in the world scenario and in the context of organizations, and we've been accompanying leaders and entire corporates’ population on this journey.

We live the transformations trying to grasp all their emotional, social and technological aspects, and always project them towards tomorrow, with a hybrid and vibrant methodology.

Today we are involved in a multitude of different things, from consulting to technology design, and we are the proud parents of the tender and bold artificial intelligence Cosmo

Who is Cosmo? Find out



Method & Magic

We ask big and important questions, confront provocative and radical thoughts, suggestions and experiences, and propose solutions in line with this thinking. We engage with the questions and perspectives of technology, art, and activism to build pathways that speak to people in a real language, far from the slang of consulting.

We believe in the uniqueness of what happens when people come into relationship with each other, have a chance to show their fears and desires, and come into contact with art, wonder, play. We look at people in their entirety, not as personas, users or consumers, but as humans with complicated lives, different bodies, absurd talents. All of this is combined in our framework, at the basis of each of our projects.

All of this is combined in our framework, at the basis of each of our projects.


Who believes in us

In the last 15 years, we helped organizations evolve their culture and become more creative, innovative, and inclusive.



We have worked with amazing partners and freed some extraordinary minds


We never lack


We apply ecosystem thinking and vision with the persistence that our times require. We believe in exploring the long in-between phase that leads an individual action to becoming a collective and systemic action, and we take this into every aspect of our projects, from organizing events to training on soft skills.

Sense making

In the information overload we are subjected to, it's easy to lose or dilute the message of why organizations are doing something. In our projects we always maintain a high focus on communicating and creating meaning for projects in a broader context.


For customized paths, activities, and theoretical models we take inspiration from different worlds and languages, composing a constellation of ideas and practices that speak to the rational, emotional, and physical spheres of our stakeholders.


That indefinable feeling of when a party starts to engage and everything seems to dance in a mix of energy, light and beautiful sweat. In every situation we find an opportunity to (also) mess up, play, destabilize the interlocutors.

Check out our party