20 April 2023

Find us in Corriere della Sera πŸ“°

“One must have the boldness to make radical decisions”πŸ—žοΈ

Benedetta Roiati

Today you can read a long interview in the pages of Corriere della Sera, inside Planet 2030, where our* Benedetta Roiati and Michele Bianchi tell a lot about FUTUREBERRY.πŸš€ Courage, non-linear choices,Β Inner Development Goals, a short story of how we have been designing and innovating since 2008.

πŸš€ Courage, non-linear choices, Inner Development Goals, a short story of how we have been designing and innovating since 2008

Thanks toΒ Marta LatiniΒ for the occasion πŸ’ͺ🏽