1. Superammasso Milano – Oct. 21

Celebrating its first 5 years of operation, Not conceived AMMASSO: a party-event-happening in which meetings, debates, live performances and DJ sets coexist. After the first ten events held in Rome between 2022 and 2023, on Saturday, October 21, AMMASSO lands in a “super” version in Milan for a special marathon that will run from morning until the late hours of the night, in a long acid green march based on music, talks, screenings, magic rituals, sweepstakes and lots of interesting guests.
All to be seen and heard, but we will scomit to be at 7:30 p.m. at the cox18 for EXIT REALITY: VAPORWAVE, BACKROOMS, WEIRDCORE AND OTHER LANDSCAPES BEYOND THE THRESHOLD with Giada Arena and Valentina Tanni
(then at the cox we will stay there because it goes on into the night).
2. Statisticall – October 19/20/21/22

F estival Statistics 2023 , Possible measures for an outsized world, a beautiful title because it holds together the sense of absurdity that surrounds us and the desire to unravel it, understand it, transform it. It’s financial education month (check out the installment of Gasati on the topic), so we point out the meeting between Azzurra Rinaldi and Donata Columbro on Friday 20 at 10 a.m., entitled “Ladies Don’t Talk About Money,” but the program is dense and varied, and autumn Treviso is the place to be.
3. Temporary Workshop on Emotional Cartography – Oct. 20/21/22

l October 20-21-22, Glocal Impact Network e Studio Briscola are in Prato with the “Temporary Emotional Mapping Workshop,” a mapping and participation protocol that will explore the urban fabric through a horizontal and inclusive lens: that of emotions. GIN and Trump are two realities that we love very much and met and loved right in front of our berry eyes, so there will be a substantial Berrian delegation on Saturday to map together with communities and associations. If you are in the area it will be beautiful, let’s meet
4. Open Studio 2023

Saturday and Sunday in Dergano and Bovisa you can visit spaces and studios of artisans and artists, with workshops workshops and exhibitions (we are looking for a new space and roommates too, maybe we can find some there). Entering the hidden courtyards of Milan is always a joy.
BONUS! Pizzeria Sixth Element

Here a few words: there is Milan – Juve, and what better place to see sincere soccer with sincere people than a provincial pizzeria in the middle of the Lodigiana countryside?
(with the current times, the sincerity of the most beautiful sport in the world should perhaps not be sought in those who play it, but in those who cheer it)